Runway Planner

Runway PLanner

Not sure how many products you need? Fill in the fields below and we will suggest the recommended layout as per your selections. Then press the “Get a Quote” button on the right and one of our experts will quote you directly. Alternatively you can “Email the Plan” to yourself for future reference.

Runway Length
Max Light Spacing
Actual Spacing of Edge Lights
Caution Edge Lights Required
Single or Dual Approach Required
Approach Lighting
PAPI System

Based on your entries we recommend the following combination of products for you. You can either email the table to yourself, or by pressing the "Get a quote" button, one of our experts will  be able to quote you directly.

White Runway Edge Lights
White/Yellow Caution Edge Lights
Red/Green Threshold Lights
White REIL Lights
White Approach Lights
Frangible Mounts
Note: image is indicative only and quantities are reflected only in the table above

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