Sealite provides a wide range of marine buoy and lantern products specifically designed for the safe marking of Inland Waterways. Our range of high quality, affordable polyethylene buoys can be configured as Regulatory, Channel, or Special marks for harbours, rivers and lakes. For fast flowing water, Sealite’s unique SL-B1200-FW is a purpose-built buoy to suit currents of up to 8 knots.
Sealite’s range of bridge lighting is approved for use by many inland waterway authorities and departments of transport, while complementary products include floating barriers that can restrict boating traffic and swimmers from entering specific danger areas such as spillways and dams.
All of our inland waterway options provide a low-maintenance solution to your specific
marking requirements.
Our Team has a proven track record of completing projects on time and on budget. Below are some of our projects where we made a difference. Contact us to find out how we can assist with your next marine project.