Tilton, New Hampshire, USA – July 19, 2021 – Sealite USA made its debut in the Concord Monitor on July 11, 2021. The Concord Monitor headquarters in the state capital, only 18 minutes from the Tilton based facility. It is New Hampshire’s daily newspaper and website for Concord and surrounding towns.
After a busy year developing a new military system for the aviation brand, Avlite Systems announced the receipt of $23.5 million contract for the United States Air Force (USAF) to upgrade their Expeditionary Airfield Lighting Systems (EALS). Customized to the Interim Expeditionary Airfield Lighting Systems (IEALS) specifications, Avlite will deliver their High Mobility Airfield Lighting System (AV-HMALS®) to the USAF. U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen published a Press Release recognizing Avlite Systems’ achievement.
Prior to reading the announcement, David Brooks from the Concord Monitor, was not aware of Sealite’s USA branch and their vast capabilities. Mr. Brooks reached out to Sealite USA / SPX for a tour to write an article that informs New Hampshire about the Tilton manufacturing company that provides buoys, lanterns, and other marine and aviation aids to navigation for government agencies.
David Brooks toured the facility on July 8, 2021 in the midst of Inventory days at Sealite USA. You can read his article here.